The importance of knowing where your food comes from. It’s generally not important for survival purposes. If it’s edible, people will give it a shot..
Many people, however, do like to know more things about their lives and the things that fill it. It can be as trivial as what the plant that produces looks like or is related to, or about what part of an animal a particular cut of meat comes from.
More critically today, knowing the source-country of a foodstuff might be of importance, as well as from which manufacturer, for processed foods. Food contamination, whether in the field or in the factory, is, as it has always been, a fact of life. Efforts are made to keep food supply chains free of problems, there are failures. Some countries are noted for their lack of food safety controls, so knowing where a particular food comes from can be very useful information.
Some of the questions people generally ask – How was the chicken raised? How was the grain grown? Is there genetic engineering involved? Where the used seeds GMO’s? Is it 100% Organic? Is it a heritage variety? Do you have a good relationship with the producers? Is the crop grown locally?
– Learn about some of the history that created our modern food system. We recommend “An Edible History of Humanity” by Tom Stand age, “The Omnivore’s Dilemma” by Michael Pollan, “Organic Manifesto: How Organic Food Can Heal Our Planet, Feed the World, and Keep Us Safe” by Maria Rodale.
– Meet a farmer. Ask them why they do different things on their farm. It makes for a great family outing.
– Tour an agribusiness or research company. They aren’t always open to the public for tours, but school groups and educational groups regularly take tours. Try to accompany one of them.
– Buy things in season. This helps minimize transportation costs and can be healthier and more flavorful produce.
– Take a cooking class and learn how to prepare more things at home. This can be a lot of fun and you’ll have more ownership in what you eat.
– Ask questions! The more you know, the better.
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