Keeping your food safe, good hygiene doesn't have to be hard

Oota Box

  • Posted 7 years ago
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Every person wishes to have a wholesome, tasty and a healthy meal. While tastes and preferences could be altered for a meal now and again , one thing that cannot be compromised on is hygiene. A  majority of us quite often forget to wash or sanitize our hands before a meal. As essential as food is for our daily living so is maintaining the hygiene levels of our food this helps prevent diseases and maintaining a healthy well being.

[ctt template=”8″ link=”Q05V_” via=”yes” ]Let’s try to ensure to consume hygienic food at all times[/ctt]

Recommended hand washing technique :

  • Place your hands together under warm water.
  • Apply liquid or normal soap.
  • Rub your hands together for at least 20 seconds.
  • Wash your hands thoroughly, from the fingers to the wrists.
  • Clean dirt under the fingernails.
  • Rinse the soap from your hands.
  • Dry hands completely with a clean towel.
  • Avoid rubbing your hands against towels and dry by just patting them.

* If soap and water are not available, use alcohol-based hand sanitizer

It is important to keep our hands clean, there are millions of bacteria in the air we breathe and things we touch. It is a well known fact that our hands are responsible for the spread of an estimated 80% of common infectious diseases.

The most common food hygienic mistakes we make at home 

  • Improper maintenance of cooking appliances likes microwaves and ovens are the most common breeding grounds for bacteria. Hence ensuring regular cleaning and servicing of these machines reduces the chances of infection of food cooked in them.
  • Ensuring Hot food is wrapped well and put in an insulated container.
  • When it’s summer, it is likely that you and your food will be spending the majority of the time outdoors. If the food needs to be out for a lengthier time period, only serve the required quantity of food and leave the rest in the fridge until you require it. Even small quantities of contaminated food can lead to serious illnesses.
  • To stop bacteria in food from rapidly multiplying , food needs to be stored at or below certain temperatures. In the event, the food that you bring isn’t handled and stored correctly, it can cause you to get sick.
  • If perishable food is left warm and stored outside the refrigerator then it shouldn’t be eaten and ought to be disposed of carefully.
  • Its always safer to discard food, if you’re unsure how long the food was left out from the refrigerator, or if it may be spoiled before the expiration date.
  • You have to discard if it isn’t in a waterproof container and if food comes in touch with water.
  • Cooking food at the correct temperature and for the right amount of time will guarantee that any harmful bacteria are killed.
  • Leave the food in a refrigerator until you’re prepared to utilize it.
  • Food shouldn’t be left from the cooler or off the stove for over two hours.
  • Non-perishable foods (such as sugar, dried beans, spices and canned foods) don’t spoil if handled and stored properly. But they could drop quality over an extended time.
  • Make sure you take extra precautions and care for food storage especially during the hot summer months.

[ctt template=”8″ link=”9ysk3″ via=”yes” ]Clean hands, clean food and properly stored food are the secrets to a safe and wholesome meal [/ctt]




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