Instant Detox

Oota Box

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A process or period of time in which one abstains from or rids the body of toxic or unhealthy substances; detoxification

The thought of going on a  detox diet can be incredibly daunting. With so many different diets touted online and in books, it’s tough to tell which approach is right for you. focusing on whole, unprocessed foods that nurture your body and lighten your toxic load. A detox diet can be helpful if you use it as a way to begin a healthy way forward when it comes to your eating and lifestyle

Hibiscus Tea

Historically, hibiscus tea has been used in African countries to decrease body temperature, treat heart disease, and sooth a sore throat. In Iran, hibiscus tea is used to treat high blood pressure
Hibiscus tea is ruby red in colour and has a sour taste. Therefore, it is also known as sour tea and has a flavor similar to cranberry. This tea can be consumed hot or cold depending on your preference like most other teas it is low in calories

Guacamole(Guacamole is an avocado-based dip, spread, or salad)

The Stomach Settler avocado the savory herb that gives its distinctive flavor, contains a unique blend of oils that send a message to an upset stomach and settles the problem

Asparagus (sparrow grass)

The Hangover Cure when you’re huddled over a plate of greasy diner food, begging the Hangover Gods for forgiveness, ask the waiter for a side of steamed asparagus. Amino acids and minerals found in asparagus may alleviate hangover symptoms and protect liver cells against toxins. The veggie spears are also a natural diuretic, which will help flush the excess toxins from your system.

Lemon Water

The Detoxifier start each day by making a large pitcher of “spa” water filled with sliced whole lemons, and make a point of sipping your way through at least 8 glasses before bedtime. Citrus fruits are rich in the antioxidant de-limonene, a powerful compound found in the peel that stimulates liver enzymes to help flush toxins from the body and gives sluggish bowels a kick, according to the World Health Organization.

Beets (Beetroot)

The Cell Re-generator beets roots contain a type of antioxidant called betalains that help repair and regenerate cells in the liver, the body’s primary detox center. If you’ve been boozing to stay warm your liver may be feeling overworked. Beets will give it a bit of support so you’re ready for that packed party schedule come spring.


One of the best metabolism-boosting ingredients out there is likely already sitting in your refrigerator: mustard. Eating just one teaspoon of the stuff—for a mere 5 calories—can boost your metabolism by up to 25 percent for several hours keep you running all day.


The Liver Fixer Downing those winter cocktails make you more than fat and hungover; the fatty deposits that build up around your liver after weeks of overeating and drinking put you at increased risk for liver cancer. But just a couple small handfuls a day of vitamin-packed almonds could help cleanse the deposits out.


Consuming foods high in antioxidants, like tomatoes, can actually ward off skin damage from the inside out. Study participants who ate five tablespoons of tomato paste a day had 33 percent more protection against sunburn

Detox Waters

What if there was an easy way to flatten your belly–almost instantly–without counting calories, sweating at the gym, or trying out that new shape-wear trend. There is Detox water. Sweating away the stress and snacks of the workday is an unquestionably healthy habit, as is trying to eat well for your body and that’s where water comes in. It’s no secret that chugging plain H2O can be less than stimulating, but there are fun ways to make this healthy habit less of a chore. Certain fruits have detoxifying properties in their flesh and peels; slice them whole into your water to reap the benefits and hit your water intake quota with an infusion of flavor. We rounded up some of the most delicious-looking ways to drink up and de-puff (READ RELATED)

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