Every home meal is a classic opulence


Oota Box

  • Posted 7 years ago
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People eat at restaurants, order fast food to there houses and also munch at their relatives households. What those places can’t strike will be surely felt at your home. A healthy home meal is a classic opulence not just for your inner satisfaction. You further dwell on to the fresh ingredients and love the soul that prepared it.

First lets talk the word “opulence” – which means luxury. A home is a place which provides a state of great comfort and an extravagant living.

Do we see cooking as a luxury?

As the world moves faster in terms of technology and food tech. People are much captivated towards the culture of food, but not with definite cooking itself. As it turns out, young Indians, are cooking less and even the food they consume as a home meal is increasingly being prepared somewhere else.

Cooking was very much essential in the past and will be in the near future. As of today, cooking is undoubtedly a meal of experience and luxury.

There forth cooking itself is starting to become an opulence, with less people preparing home meals. One can cook simple food and feel the great opulence out of it. Reasons being the freshness of veggies, no added MSG’s or preservatives and of course less calories.

Is a home meal an opulence?

In order to survive every individual has to eat. Cooking a home meal is definitely a cheaper way than buying food. As the saying goes “Time is money”, it surely plays an important factor in cooking. Either way you still spend time while you’re ordering food, waiting for someone else to prepare it, pick it up from the restaurant and the delivery time itself.

So is eating out due to possibly saving time or is cooking, possibly saving money?

For some, home meal consisting fresh ingredients is an opulence, for others an opulence is having someone to deliver the food instead of preparing it themselves. For those people who have set up their lives where they don’t have the time, energy, and desire to cook then it’s a luxury.

Concluding thoughts

With just a few notes about home meal being an opulence, the answer is yes. Cooking a home meal should be a part of a daily routine that one shall enjoy. Cooking should be something that others participate in and enjoy with you. Don’t see cooking as an opulence of life. Make a home meal with others and love all sorts of experiences that come along with them, while making the moment itself an opulence one.

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