Best weight loss lunches to make at home


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People suffering from obesity are at a greater risk of developing serious health conditions like type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, heart diseases, bone diseases, joint disease and others. Weight loss is one of the main concern in almost every household. People are aiming to stay fit and healthy to keep serious diseases at bay. Exercise combined with a properly balanced diet is very important to lose weight without compromising on the essential nutrients. Our busy and hectic lives make it difficult to prepare time-consuming lunches that are actually wholesome healthy meals. We always look for easy-to-prepare healthy options that would help in weight loss. Some of the best weight loss lunches that are nutritious and tasty are as follows-

Vegetable soup can be a healthy pick!

A healthy and tasty soup loaded with vegetables can be your ideal meal for lunch. You can always prepare a soup with carrots, peas, potatoes, French beans, capsicum, corn kernels along with the right amount of black pepper. While potatoes are loaded in fiber that keeps you full for a long time and cut down your cravings, beans are full of protein that helps in building muscles and burning fat. Cauliflower, carrots, and peas are low in calories and are loaded with fiber stimulating weight loss. Black pepper eliminates the formation of new fat cells and also increases metabolism at the same time. So, if you are at home and stuck with loads of chores to do, this easy to prepare soup can be your wholesome meal!

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Toss in some healthy noodles!

Toss in some vegetables like carrots, beans, capsicum, broccoli with noodles for a delicious lip-smacking lunch. You can also add in some chicken pieces or tofu cubes to make it more delectable. Try to cook in 1tsp of vegetable oil or olive oil that will make the dish healthy and also tasty at the same time. This can satiate your taste buds and also stimulate weight loss along with supplying healthy nutrients to your body.

Lip-smacking lunch with millets!

Millets have 6 times more fiber than wheat which makes it an ideal item for weight loss. Rich in proteins and low in fat, millet is a gluten-free, easy-to-digest grain. If you are looking for something different from the usual food items, millet dosa can be a perfect hit. Spice it up with a mixed vegetable curry or some beetroot coconut chutney for your lunch. On days when you feel to have something hot and piping, millet khichdi is a good idea. Try adding vegetables of your choice to make the khichdi nutritious. It is a perfect lunch item on rainy afternoons when your heart craves for something hot and soupy.

Salads are always a savior!

On days, when you just do not have the urge to cook something for your lunch, salads can come to your rescue! Toss in some leafy vegetables, chicken or tofu along with a handful of quinoa, millets or barley. Power packed with nutrients, the salad is an ideal item for lunch to aid weight loss. Do not forget to add in some apple cider vinegar or lemon juice along with black pepper to make your salads exciting with the right burst of flavors. You can also carry such delicious salad items as lunch to your workplace. The crunchy vegetables along with juicy chicken or tofu is always an instant hit!

Grab some wholesome sandwiches!

If you are a firm believer of heavy breakfast and healthy snacking during lunch hours, grab some healthy sandwiches! Go for multigrain bread, lettuce and healthy vegetables like tomatoes, carrots, beetroot or capsicum to make your sandwiches nutritious. You can always add some chicken pieces, tuna or salmon that are the perfect lean healthy fats to your daily diet. One bite of such a healthy sandwich is enough to lift your mood on Monday mornings at work!

Brown rice pulao for rice lovers!

Who says rice can’t help you to lose weight? Just make the healthy choice of switching from white rice to brown rice. Combined with vegetables like carrot, capsicum, peas and little amount of homemade paneer or tofu, this dish can be your perfect lunch. Low in calories and high in fiber, the pulao is enough to keep you active for a long time. Unlike white rice, brown rice has side hull and bran that are rich in fiber, proteins, thiamine, calcium, magnesium, and potassium. With its low glycemic rating, the pulao is useful for people seeking to lose weight.

Delicious wraps for your lunchbox!

If you have a busy work schedule and not much of a time to prepare your lunch, try making some wraps for your lunchbox. Add fresh juliennes of vegetables like onion, carrots, capsicum, beetroot and bell pepper, cubes of tofu/home-made paneer/chicken and wrap it in rotis or tortilla to make easy-to-go wraps for lunch. Try adding some healthy mustard sauce and a little amount of lemon juice to add tanginess to your wrap. Ideal lunch item at your workplace, the veggie loaded wraps is great in losing weight.  

Stuffed rotis/paratha

Rotis or paratha stuffed with vegetables can be helpful in losing weight and also replenish your body with the right nutrients. All you need to do is replace wheat flour with ragi, bajra, soya, jowar and other cereals that are good for your health. While making the dough, add vegetables of your choice and you are all set for a delicious stuffed roti or paratha. You can enjoy these stuffed rotis or parathas with vegetables of your choice or a spicy mango chutney.

These are some of the lunch ideas that you can go to lose weight and also help your body get the right vitamins and minerals. Apart from a balanced diet, regular exercise and a proper lifestyle is very important to lose weight. You always need to take the right food items that are high in fiber and low in terms of calories. Always consider the nutritional aspect of the food that you are having and try to include fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts and healthy fats in your daily diet. Staying away from junk processed food and sugar can help you to lose weight and stay fit and active.

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