Liquid consumption's for weight loss and aided health benefit


Oota Box

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Liquid consumption acts as a most important factor in terms of  weight loss and health benefit. The flavors in infused water, consuming morning detox water and along with pre-meal flavored water helps one immensely to achieve the best out of their fitness.

A) Boiling lemons with honey for better digestion and immunity.

This should be consumed early in the morning. Boil a couple of lemons with water, after the water cools down squeeze the boiled lemons and add honey,consume the liquid.

B) For a better breakdown of fat cells in your body.

Take a cup of orange juice or pineapple juice, then add 2 tsp of apple cider and a tsp of honey to the mix. Drink this before having a meal and your body will start the with further breakdown of fatty cells.

C) Citrus Aloe Vera detox water

This Detox water helps the glow of your skin. Make some juice from two whole oranges and squeeze 1/2 a limes juice to it, now add 1/4 of aloe vera gel to the juice and some mint leaves for the taste.

D) Water melon and Mint infused refreshing water.

Infused water is a healthier alternative for fresh juices and smoothies. Though this process is for 24 hours, the water can be used for 2 to 3 times a day after the infusion. At first, cut some chunks of watermelon into cubes along with water and mint,let them muddle together by stiring or shaking the ingredients. Later rest the infusion for 24 hours for the flavors to dissipate.Enjoy the infused water.

E) Sliced Pear Ginger healthy skinny mock tail.

This mock tail mainly helps for lowering stomach fat. In a jar of water add a sliced pear along with ginger and 6 cinnamon sticks.Let the flavors get muggled with the water. This drink helps in biological activity of insulin and increases the metabolism of glucose in your body.

Related read: 12 Reasons to eat fruit

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