How to edit a listing on Oota Box

  • Posted 2 years ago
  • How Tos
  • Total steps: 9
  • Time to complete: 2 mins

Oota Box

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Click on the profile icon at the top right corner of your screen to log in.


Type in your registered email address, and your password and click on the Login button to proceed.


On successful login, click on your username in the top right corner of your screen.


Click on My Listings in the menu that appears.


This screen shows you a list of all listings you’ve created and their respective status. Listings with different status: 1. A listing with the status Published means that the listing is live and publicly visible for users on Oota Box. 2. A listing with the status Pending means that the listing is currently under review and you will be notified by email once it is live. 3. A listing with the status Rejected means that the listing has incorrect information and needs to be rectified before it is made live. You will receive an email with a reason for rejection and information to rectify before it is made live.


Click on the Edit or Pencil icon for any listing in the list and select the section that you would like to edit. For example, click on Menu from the list if you want to edit the food menu.


After making your changes in this section, you can use the Previous Step or Next Step options to navigate to other sections and make your edits.


Once you’ve made all the required changes, click on the Save Changes button to save your changes.


On successfully updating your listing, you will see a screen similar to the one below. Your listing will be sent for review and you will be notified by email once it is approved. If you see any errors on the screen, please rectify them and try again. If you need assistance while updating a listing on Oota Box, please write to support@ootabox.com.


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